営業時間 午前部11:30〜/午後部19:00〜
Japanese REIKI and a KIKOU association were established in order to extensive-spread
energy workers, such as REIKI and a KIKOU associationg. I aim at the intelligible
lecture politely by making each cultivation lecture into an a small number
of people system. Since the lecturer who belongs to this association has
employed the high-level lecturer who met the fixed standard. A lecture
can be taken in comfort.
You and I are some edges. Is this edge also accidental? All meet to the
timing which happens to necessary timing and meets. Therefore, encounter
with you and an edge are necessary. Always the heart and the body love,
and are fulfilled and this association is working for the purpose of sending
a happy life every day. Now, preparation was completed. Let's get the
life which shone to company! Gakt Shimokari
「ご利用規約」 本契約は日本レイキ・気功協会(以下、当協会)が開催する各種セミナーや講座、ワークアウト等、全てにおいて適応されます。当協会が開催する全てのプログラムにお申し込み頂くことは、本契約に同意の上で申し込み頂いたものとします。
This contract is various seminars, a lecture, a workout, etc. which Japanese
REIKI and a KIKOU association (henceforth, this association) hold. In
all, it is adapted. It should propose that you apply to all the programs
which this association holds, after agreeing with this contract.
■提供内容 当協会で行っている各セミナー、講座は医療・医師等の有資格者による医療行為・医学的診断は行ってません。 ストレスの軽減、癒し効果を目的にしたものであり、効果においては個人差があります。
■ The contents of offer Each seminar and lecture which are performed at
this association are not performing medical practice and medical diagnosis
by qualified persons, such as medical treatment and a doctor. In an effect,
there is individual difference for the purpose of mitigation of stress,
and the healing effect. Moreover, even if taken a lecture and taught,
100% of result is not guaranteed for all them according to individual
■免責事項 当協会の運営するホームページおよび、各プログラムのご利用は全て本契約に同意していただけた方の自己責任でご利用されるものとします。
■ Qualification A direction [ it could agree with this contract on all
of the homepage which this association manages, and use of each program
] It shall be used by self-responsibility.
■お申し込み 各プログラムへのお申し込みは下記のお申し込みフォームよりお願い致します。 また当協会が主催するプログラム全てが事前のお支払いとなります。
■ Application Please make an application to each program from the following
application form. Moreover, all the programs that this association sponsors
serve as prior payment. (A transfer commission is a participating Mr.
■キャンセルについて 基本的にキャンセルは受け付けておりません。 お申し込み者様ご都合による一方的なキャンセルの場合、 返金・または代替受講は致しかねますのでご注意ください。
■ About cancellation Cancellation is not received fundamentally. Please
keep in mind that I restrict in the applicant's one-sided cancellation,
and cannot do refund.
■各教室につきましては、お支払い後のキャンセル・返金は受け付けておりません。 また 全ての講座が日時割り計算式ではございません。たくさんのキャンセル待ちの受講希望者様がいらっしゃいますので、
■ About each classroom, the cancellation and refund after payment are
not receiving. Again All the lecture is not a time rate formula. Since
the attendance candidate of much waiting for cancellation comes, even
if it comes to the moon only once The refund of a difference is unreceivable.
Since I have direction priority of waiting for cancellation take a lecture
when you rest over a long period of time, please understand.
■雑誌・テレビ・ラジオなどのメディア取材も随時受け付けておりますのでお気軽のお問い合わせください。 また各種講演会も受付中ですのでお気軽にお問い合わせください。詳しくはこちら
■ lighthearted, since I am also receiving media coverage of a magazine,
a teleradio, etc. at any time -- please ask. Moreover, since various lecture
meetings are also under receptionist, please do not hesitate to ask. It
is in detail here.
■講座内容・資料・教科書のコピー、販売、公開は法的処置させていただきます。 当協会で使用している資料・教科書・音楽は当協会(原作者)の著作権保護に守られております。
無断でコピーや配布、販売、知人やネット上で公開された場合は、直ちに法的手段に告訴へ動き、 小規模・大規模関わらず、多額の賠償請求をさせていただく場合がございますのでご注意ください。
■ I will carry out the legal action of the copy of the contents of a lecture,
data, and a textbook, sale, and the public presentation. The data, the
textbook, and music currently used at this association are protected by
the protection of copyrights of this association (original author). When
it is opened to the public on a copy, distribution, sale, and an acquaintance
and a network without notice, please move to an accusation immediately
at a legal means, and keep in mind that there is a case where I am allowed
to carry out demand for compensation of small-scale and large-scale 関わらず,
and a large sum.
(告訴・裁判は福岡高等裁判所にて行います) 〒810-0043 日本 福岡県福岡市中央区城内1番1号 ※規約等の内容は随時変更する場合があることをご理解ください。
* Please understand that the contents, such as agreement, may be changed
at any time.